BioAssemblyBot and Angiomics featured in GE Healthcare Life Sciences' Science Director Paul Goodwin’s article on the future of 3D bioprinting in precision health.
“We have been working with Jay Hoying at Advanced Solutions Life Sciences (ASLS) who stumbled across a way to create these more native-like vasculatures. Years ago, Jay was working as a young investigator studying microvasculature. For his experimental model, he was using abdominal fat from mice. By luck he discovered that torn up small pieces of microvasculature will spontaneously grow new vessels (angiogenesis) and that these new vessels will self-assemble into a vascular bed that recreates the semi-chaotic native structure. When he placed these beds with different tissues (heart, liver, kidney, neural) they would spontaneously create vascular beds similar to what you would find on those tissues in the body”
“We are now working with ASLS to use cellular imaging instruments to create a fully automated agile work station for printing, verifying (physical, chemical, and biological), and maturing vascularised tissues”